On May 7, 2024, the Wicomico County Board of Education voted to approve the purchase of a high-tech weapons and contraband detection system for the district. They approved the purchase of 11 portable systems at $16,900 per unit, for a total of $186,000 as presented at their April 30th work session. When we saw this on the board meeting agenda, we were excited to see what seemed to be a common sense move by the board toward improving safety in our schools. But not so fast.
Upon investigation, the units will not be used daily in schools, but limited for use at larger public venues such as events at the stadium, basketball games, and performances. When an event is not taking place, the units can be found stored in a dark closet instead of the entry of a school building.
If these weapons detection systems are only going to be used at after-school venues, then why do they need 11 units if it's a "controlled environment" where there's only one entrance?
Is a school NOT a controlled environment, even though it has ONE main entrance into the school building?
The real answer to these questions is beyond concerning.
Metrasense weapons/contraband detection system
Where is the common sense of our elected board? If you hear the excuse that they don't have the funds to install these at every school, that's not the issue. The issue of concern is based upon practical priorities, application, maximum utilization, and use of taxpayer dollars.
Are these units great to have at public after-school venues? Absolutely. But our schools are dangerous and our children and teachers are sitting ducks.
Why can't these 11 units be utilized starting with the entryways of high schools and middle schools? Instead, the board rubber stamped the purchase without regard to practical school safety during school hours while the children are there to learn and teachers are there to teach.
Please contact the board members and ask them to prioritize the safety of our schools by utilizing these systems at school entryways, even if it's a limited number of schools to start. Securing school buildings during school hours should come before entertainment events outside of education.
gmalone@wcboe.org, abrown@wcboe.org, khazel@wcboe.org, bennis@wcboe.org, sbeaucham@wcboe.org, dplotts@wcboe.org, jpalmer@wcboe.org, wcboe@delmarvaptc.org
To contact them individually by phone:
WCBOE Board MembersÂ
Gene Malone, Chair (District 2) - (443) 783-5530Â Â
Allen Brown, Vice Chair (District 1) - (410) 742-9668Â Â
Kristin Hazel (At Large) - (443) 366-4344
Bonnie Ennis (At Large)- (443) 783-1617 Â
Susan Beauchamp (District 3) - (443) 235-2569 Â
David Plotts (District 4) - (443) 880-0502
John Palmer (District 5) - (410) 896-3670
Fellows & Editors
May 16, 2024Â
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Photo Source: Metrasense https://www.metrasens.com/resources-and-webinars/tag/government,juvenile-detention/page/1/
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