On September 14, 2021, a couple of videos were posted on the WCPS Facebook page. The videos showed administrators of Wicomico County Public Schools visiting various schools. To our surprise, administration passed multiple unmasked students, and failed to say anything to the students or enforce their own mask mandate.
Superintendent Donna Hanlin:
Social distancing at JMB:
These images were from the original source videos created with our taxpayer dollars. There are even more scenes with no or improperly worn masks.
Video 1: https://youtu.be/wwc1qajh5xA
Video 2: https://youtu.be/fsZ8Cbr-WuY
This article is not to promote the policing of masks. We are for mask-choice, and support everyone's personal decision to mask or not to mask. Scientifically, masks don't work. We have no problem with the students and unmasked faculty in these pictures, but administration is severely lacking. The bottom line is mask mandates don't work. A mask mandate is not law, it's regulation (a rule). The school system cannot enforce a mask mandate as demonstrated above by our Superintendent and faculty. The Federal Government, the Joint Committee On Legislative, Administrative and Executive Review of the Maryland General Assembly, and the Maryland State Board of Education cannot enforce a mandate as law (mask or vaccination) even having voted on a statewide emergency school mask mandate to change COMAR 13A.01.06.01 through .04. It's illegal, as these regulatory changes conflict with existing laws (both federal and state). It will be challenged.
Our elected board have abandoned the people and vacated their duty by failing to vote on a mask mandate. In addition, they have allowed administration to go rogue. It's no wonder the State and the teachers union walks all over them. It's now up to parents to decide what's best for their child. Our government has failed us, and incapable of making such a decision over the people. We encourage you to contact the WCBOE board members to let them know how you feel on the state of the schools, which they oversee and what they are allowing to occur.
WCBOE Board Members
Donald Fitzgerald - dfitzger@wcboe.org
Gene Malone - gmalone@wcboe.org
Allen Brown - abrown@wcboe.org
John Palmer - jpalmer@wcboe.org
Tonya Lewis - tlewis@wcboe.org
Michael Murray - mmurray@wcboe.org
Ann Suthowski - asuthowsk@wcboe.org
Fellows & Editors
September 14, 2021 Copyright DelmarvaPTC.org
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