ABeka Book Publications: Traditional textbooks and teacher support materials written from a Christian worldview, complete curriculum for all grades.
Alpha and Omega Publications: Traditional approach, less expensive workbook materials and an interactive computer program written from a Christian worldview, complete curriculum for all grades.
Analytical Grammar: offers several grammar programs that teach grammar sequentially and logically, beginning with 4th grade through high school.
Answers in Genesis: Christian apologetics, science curriculum from a creationist perspective and all kinds of support materials for all grade levels.
Apologia Press: Publisher of easy to use creation-based science curriculum and apologetics materials for all grades, geography and writing materials for lower grades.
Bridgeway Academy: Innovative courses include online curriculum and teaching materials.
Christian Liberty Press: Offers a wide variety of support materials and textbooks at discount prices.
Classical Conversations: Christian classical approach, complete program for all grades.
Excellence in Writing: Excellent, practical materials for teaching writing and composition, grammar, and spelling.
Five In a Row: Literature for lower grades.
The Foundation for American Christian Education: K-12 Biblical-Classical Education, the Principle Approach, America’s historic method of Biblical reasoning, places the Truth of God’s Word at the heart of education in every subject.
For Such a Time As This: Literature, composition, vocabulary studies, and test prep, from a biblical worldview, for upper grades.
Liberty University: K-12 presents Christ in all classes and uses the Bible as the basis for instruction.
U-See: Hands-on, manipulative-based math program for all grade levels.
Memoria Press: Publishes materials for a classical approach: Latin, Greek, Literature study guides, Classical studies, and Christian studies for grade K-12.
Rainbow Resource: Carries over 40,000 quality educational products in all subject areas, for grades PK-12, many at discount prices.
Robinson Curriculum: This K-12 home school curriculum was developed by a scientist and his six children and uses a self-teaching approach to learning.
Rosetta Stone Language Programs: Foreign language programs on CD for computer.
Schoolhouse Teachers: Provides a complete PreK-12 curriculum with essentials and treasures readily available.
SonLight: Christ-centered, literature-based, living books approach, complete program for all grades.
Simply Charlotte Mason: Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Great Science Adventures, and other supplemental materials.
Tapestry of Grace: Classical education, using a guided unit study approach, with the history of the world as the core organizational theme, for grades K–12.
Teaching Textbooks: Excellent conversational-style math textbooks on CD-Rom geared specifically for home schoolers, for grades 3 through high school.
Veritas Press: Classical materials, complete program for all grades.
Camp Constitution: Sam Blumenfeld’s archive of Alpha Phonics, including audio and video lessons on cursive and basic arithmetic.