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PARENTS BEWARE: The Use of AI in The Classroom

As technology advances, there's a great danger that parents need to be aware of, and that is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom. For those who do not fully understand AI and how it works, it's databases of stored information paired with algorithms to return a desired predetermined or predicted result, reaction, code, or method. The problem is, AI is not perfect, and programmed results will often contain left-leaning bias on certain topics. In all things, there's an absolute truth. Today, databases of opinions are being peddled as fact when it comes to political influence of what's considered ideal in society. Who gets to decide what's ideal to be delivered through AI? The political elite, and your child is being programmed through the schools.

Public schools are integrating AI. We will use Wicomico County, Maryland as an example of what schools are doing to integrate it. At the August 13, 2024 board meeting, the Wicomico County Board of Education blindly approved their superintendent's newly modified procedure (Acceptable Use of Technology), now formally approving the use of AI in the classroom. Look at this carefully:

Number one starts off as: The use of AI tools is inevitable. In other words, AI cannot be avoided, they are using it to teach your child, and that's end of story.

The next sentence states: A cautious approach is essential to maximize the benefit. "Cautious approach" is relative to the person applying their judgement. There are many employees of the school system that are political activists and not teachers. Depending on an instructor's personal views, their application can be dangerous. AI is left-leaning. If the result aligns with an instructor's views, they will find it acceptable to use for instruction. In the end, "cautious approach" is an illusionary term.

Number two states: Staff should be cognizant. There's a key word designed to permit all and to escape liability. They used "should be" instead of "must be." These establishments are not only crafty to deceive, but also permit willful negligence through a disclaimer.

Number three: Students should be cognizant. Students don't know what they don't know, and not able if they are unable. The superintendent places the K-12 student at the same level of responsibility as their teacher, having no authoritative role. They again employ the word "should." Bias is already presented as fact by many instructors, where young, malleable minds are convinced of their views. AI will only make matters worse.

Students are usually taught what plagiarism means. However, use of AI becomes a gray area because there's no actual author. The school doesn't necessarily care as long as grades are artificially boosted and the appearance of a performing school is maintained. Nothing is addressed in policy or procedure on student use of AI when doing classwork, retrieving answers, writing essays, or doing research projects. Students simply type in a sentence or phrase, and AI will write an entire essay for them in 10 seconds. They might tweak a few words before handing in the assignment to make it look like their own. This further diminishes work ethic, writing, and thinking skills, which are already suffering.

You can try AI yourself at ChatGTP to write an essay or poem. We used the search term: "Write a three page essay on George Washington." AI wrote the entire essay in seconds. You can also ask it to do other things like "Write a poem about Mary who likes oranges, goes to the zoo, loves the beach, and listens to rap music."


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a teaching method of manipulation and Educational Equity is a method in which everyone is to have the same outcome. These have already had a detrimental effect on children by dumbing down education, indoctrinating them with left-liberal humanism, and a socialist world-view. Pair these with AI and you have the ultimate package for government to program your child in what they want them to be.

AI is also another tool to hide what's going on in the classroom. Use of is not transparent, and it cannot be part of a curriculum. AI is structurally undefined, and its results are dynamic upon use. Parents should be very concerned, since they have no idea of what's actually being taught in the classroom.

With AI, this is a whole new era. When your child gets on the bus or when you drop them off at school, it's absolute that you are handing them over to be programmed.

In the programming world, the law holds true: garbage in, garbage out. As a parent, what are you going to do? Are you going to pretend that everything is great and continue to turn a blind eye? Public school is no longer a school. It's a docking station to brainwash your child. If you want to remove your child from the public school system, please visit our Exit Public School page that will show you alternative options.

Fellows & Editors

August 14, 2024 

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