At the March 8, 2022 school board meeting in Wicomico County, the citizens exposed the immoral behavior of school leadership. In response, the WCBOE crafted a new policy to obstruct the First Amendment right of citizens, simply because the board did not like being called out and held accountable before the people. If you did not see the exposure of the WCBOE's use of sexually explicit materials in our schools, you can view this past article, which has a video of the exposure.
The WCBOE created a policy called Board of Education Public Comment Protocol Policy BOE-GEN-PL-010 as an act of retaliation to further restrict citizens from addressing their concerns before their officials.
With great disappointment, the new Superintendent presented this totalitarian policy before the board for their vote. This is not a good start for the Superintendent, who stated: "It is my intent to make every effort to foster a culture of connection, collaboration, and transparency to ensure the continued success of our students, schools, and community." [Source Link]

If you look at the date at the bottom of the policy, it displays 7/12/2022. It is obvious that they wanted to see how early voting panned out before they voted on it. Since the incumbents are losing their seats, they appear to be doubling down in their last days.
At this meeting, a range of agenda items were called for a vote without explanation of these items or the new policy. The board continually does this to keep the public in the dark. All board members voted in support of this new policy except board member John Palmer.
With the November 8, 2022 General Election approaching, it is up to you the voter to select new school board members that will genuinely represent the citizens and won't behave in this manner.
Fellows & Editors
August 10, 2022 Copyright 2022
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