The Maryland General Assembly has a window of time, which you can sign up to testify by written, oral, or virtual 2.5 days in advance of a hearing on a proposed bill. You cannot sign up before that 2.5-day window, and not after that. Submission period is usually for 12 hours during this fixed period. This limited window is designed to obstruct and reduce citizen input by the State. We will lay out the process step-by-step so you can participate.
Create a MyMGA account on the Maryland General Assembly website here:
2. Sign in and click Witness Signup on the left menu. Be patient as the screen takes about 10 seconds to load. Scroll down the list to find the House Bill (HB) or Senate Bill (SB) number you wish to testify. Enter your name, your position on the bill, and how you wish to testify: written, oral, both, virtual (only an option on some) and click Upload Files(s) to upload your statement.
NOTE: If you do not see the bill listed that you wish to testify, then you are either too early or too late. The window is approximately 2.5 days before the bill hearing. We encourage you to check the Witness Signup daily during the legislative session season.
3. Select Choose Files, select your document, and click OK.
NOTE: Make sure that you verify your method of testimony, because it cannot be changed once you submit it. For example, you cannot change from Written to Oral.
4. IMPORTANT: Make sure that you click on SAVE to submit your testimony.
NOTE: The legislators will not receive your request if you miss this step
That's it! We encourage you to always let your legislators know if you support or oppose a bill.
If you want to track bills, you can simply click on Bill Tracking on the left menu, click Add, enter Bill Number, select notification options and click Save.
Fellows & Editors
February 19, 2024.
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