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Fellow Editors

Equality and Equity in Our Schools: The Real Meaning

According to, "Equality treats everyone the same without paying attention to the natural differences between people in different races, sexes, social classes, and more. Equity is the idea of “leveling the playing field” so that fairness happens along the path to success."

There's a big problem in the school system, and it's their model of Equity. We're not talking about equity as it applies to Special Education, because the application of equity has a very different meaning and necessary to accommodate disabilities. What we're talking about here is the application of equity in the general school population.

Equity deprives or takes from those who achieve in order to give to those who don't achieve. The establishment believes that Equality can be accomplished through Equity. The fact is, Equality cannot be successfully achieved at the expense of others. The political use of the term Equity is used deceptively, and its camouflaged meaning is commonly twisted and used to make Equity into something it's not. It certainly isn't fairness.

This short 2-minute video explains Equality, Equity, and Diversity in simplicity:

Copyright TheBlaze Network & Real Time with Bill Maher | HBO.

The school system will commonly use a graphic like the one above, to further deceive. Most people would look at this image and think "that makes perfect sense." That's where the deception creeps in. The graphic also concludes that "Equity is when every student has what they need." Who can argue with that? Between the school's policy and their conclusion, it all sounds great.

Equality never gave anyone a disadvantage as depicted. In addition, this image shows a family stealing from others by not paying admission to see the game. How is this Equitable to those who own the stadium, the players, or those who paid admission? The fenceline is symbolic of lowering the bar (graduation requirement). This is a model of Democratic Socialism by entitlement (what one thinks they deserve from others). Stealing is not okay.

The endgame is to remove the fence, and society will come crashing down. There will be no more ball games. Try looking over the fence at your school's stadium and see what happens.

To show that the school system really has a different intention, the State of Maryland defines Educational Equity under COMAR 13A.01.06, for which it abides. Educational Equity requires the disaggregation of student data by race. It also refers to an "Equity Lens," which requires a school system to look at people differently and to define groups based upon their demographics, socio-economic status, and other physical attributes. Ironically, their Education Equity establishes Educational Inequity, as educational resources are allocated with partiality.

Know the difference:

Equality = Everyone has the same opportunity.

Equity = Everyone must have the same outcome.

Although the school's system of Equity may sound to be fair and make sense on the surface, their twisted definition and foundational principle is extremely toxic to all students. It creates an illusion of establishing a "fair" playing field.  There is no playing field to level if the school system recognizes that each and every child is unique, important, valued, and loved, while having specific, individual needs. Under their system, everyone must have the same outcome, which is impossible to achieve.

The school's system of Equity does opposite of what it claims. To invest in the needs of each child, it requires more work for the school system (so therefore avoided). The school system certainly receives enough funding to support what they should be doing in the first place. The teacher's unions also have a hand in this, which is to make less work for their union members.

"If you lower the bar, you can accomplish anything" - Political Genius

A universal "one size fits all" approach is their goal to be achieved by lowering the bar so that nobody is great or runs past another. In the Pixar movie The Incredibles, the villain Syndrome plans his evil model of Equity through his inventions: "When everyone's super, no one will be."

The Incredibles | Copyright Pixar Animation Studios.

Sound familiar? In the world of Equity, there are no winners and everyone receives a prize. This is accomplished by lowering the standard of learning, which includes reducing the Lexile reading level (example: using a 5th grade reading level in 9th grade), making simpler standards, and changing the scale of testing in order to manipulate the data. This creates an illusion that makes every student appear to perform at a desirable level, while boosting the local, county, and state school system's overall reporting performance. Most parents won't bother to question the school system if their child receives all A's and B's. This political exploitation is all done at the expense of our children.

Using the definition of Equality in the first paragraph, the system states that it is to treat everyone the same without paying attention to the natural differences between people in different races, sexes, social classes, and more in order to accommodate them. However, the system does opposite of that, by using Equity to pay extra special attention to those differences of people by race, sex, social class, etc. to establish preferential treatment and a separate set of standards. This is segregation.

Equity attempts to force an outcome with the removal of Equality when socialists define "fairness" based on entitlement, wants, feelings, demographics, and defined groups, rather than one's ability, need, or qualifications. They use social demographics to determine Equity through Diversity (DEI), which is designed to establish separate sets of standards based on race, gender, religion, identity, sexuality, income, etc. at the expense of disparaging others. We not only see this in the classroom, but in hiring practices as well. Equity is Socialism.

The true definition of Equality is to not have partiality or preference over one or the other. This true definition is not understood in the public school system and colleges today. As a result, the model and implementation of Equity in the school system contradicts itself, as it ironically creates discrimination. The only exception to Equity in the school is the application within Special Education for those who lack the physical or mental capacity (wheelchair bound, blindness, Down Syndrome, Autism, etc) and require attentive care and specialized resources.

The Solution: The school system must focus on Equality, ensuring that everyone has the same educational opportunities in order to reach their full potential (with all necessary supports). Some may say "Well, that's what Equity is." Well, it's not. Outcomes cannot be given - they must be earned by the student. Elected school board officials should refuse to look at people with partiality, despite the wishes of the state. Anything short of this creates inequality and inequity, and places every student at a disadvantage both now and in the future.

Fellows & Editors

March 29, 2023 - Copyright

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